Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Escaped tiger kills a Christmas Day visitor at San Francisco Zoo

An escaped tiger killed a Christmas Day visitor at San Francisco Zoo in a horrific attack that has left two others in critical condition.

The animal escaped from its cage and traveled across the park to a cafe where it attacked its victims.

After killing the first victim it turned on two more people in the cafe but was shot dead as police arrived at the scene with shotguns.

Both of the victims were transported to San Francisco General Hospital with life-threatening injuries, said San Francisco Fire Department Mindy Talmadge.

A spokeswoman at the hospital would not give out any information about the victims.

"Apparently, right around closing time there was a pen with four tigers in it -- one of the tigers got out," Talmadge said.

"The tiger went into a cafe at the zoo and attacked a patron. That person ended up dying at the scene."

Police arrived on the scene as the tiger attacked two other patrons, Talmadge said. "They shot the tiger, and the tiger is deceased," she said.

Talmadge added that the 125-acre zoo  - a popular tourist draw to the  Californian city - was locked down after the incident and all the facility's other animals were accounted for.

The killing comes almost exactly a year after a zookeeper was mauled during a public feeding.

A judge at the time ruled that the zoo was responsible for that incident because of the unsafe configuration of the cages.

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