Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Kate Moss: the most eBayed star of 2007

Kate MossBritish supermodel Kate Moss is the most 'eBayed' star of  2007- with 30.481 items relating to her on the popular internet auction website.

Most of Kate's fans were trying to get hold of her TopShop clothes.

A close second were the Spice Girls with 26,458 items of merchandise and memorabilia sold.

And troubled singer Britney Spears was also a hit with 19,996 related items - although a tissue used by the 'Gimme More' star failed to attract any bids.

Amy Winehouse also proved popular with 16,052 sales including dozens of beehive wigs.

An eBay spokesman said: "Celebrity-related memorabilia on the site is the ultimate barometer of who's hot or not."

Harry Potter merchandise proved a bigger seller than any single star with a whopping 202,081 items sold.

But the top seller was Nintendo's trendy Wii video game with 644,874 related items sold & bought.

Apple's iPhone, which launched in November, is already a huge hit with 40,389 of the popular mobiles bought on eBay.

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