Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Readers’ Poll: Who is the Most Shocking Celebrity of 2007?

Who is the most shocking celebrity of 2007?

Who is the Most Shocking Celebrity of 2007?

Showbiz ran its opinion, and Vanessa Hudgens came out on top. Now it's your turn to post your views on which celebrity could/should be the 'Most Shocking'.

Your posts could/will probably be posted in our results poll on Remember, your opinions will be read by tens of thousands of people, so if you want your opinion heard, make it here.

Instructions on How to Vote:-

1. CLICK HERE to make your free registration to the Showbiz Spy Forums. Remember, you don't have to give any personal details. It is simply a forum.

2. CLICK HERE to go to the 'Most Shocking Celebrity' Thread in which you can cast your vote and opinion online for free. Or after your membership, go to the Showbiz Gossip Forums.

3. Then, WE'LL EMAIL YOU to ask you whether you want YOUR CONTENT (and name if necessary) to be published on

You can read our T&C for more details, but in the meantime, get voting!

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