Thursday, December 27, 2007

Leonardo DiCaprio back with model Bar Refaeli

Leonardo DiCaprioActor Leonardo Dicaprio is back with his model girlfriend Bar Refaeli, it has been revealed.

The pair were spotted trying to keep a low profile as they did some last minute Christmas shopping last week.

Are they back on? "They were never really 'off,'" a DiCaprio source tells Us Weekly in its new issue.

"It was always a distance thing," the source adds. "Leo was making a movie in Morocco [this year], and Bar had her modeling career."

Refaeli's mom, Zipi, said: "Bar is working all over the world.

Adds Dicaprio's pal: "It's a struggle to make a relationship like theirs work, but yes, they're together."

Last week, An eagle-eyed snapper spotted the 33-year-old 'Departed' star and the 22-year-old model as they went store to store buying gifts in Santa Monica, California.

Camera shy DiCaprio was wearing a baseball cap and a hoodie to disguise himself while Refaeli opted for a huge pair of sunglasses.

The pair were joined on their outing by a young girl dressed in a Manchester United soccer team training top.

DiCaprio walked with his arm around the teenager as they walked around a sports shop. "They were all in a good mood and hardly anybody noticed them on one of the busiest shopping days of the year," said an onlooker.

"They put in a lot of legwork going around the shops - ironically the only thing they left with was a calf and foot massager!"

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