Sunday, January 27, 2008

Woman advertises for a hit man on Craigslist

An alleged bunny-boiler advertised on a popular US Internet site for an assassin to kill her lover's wife.

FBI agents claim Ann Marie Linscott posted the murder-for-hire ad on Craigslist, which sought someone to do a "freelance job".

The 49-year-old mistress is then said to have revealed she was seeking a hitman to those who e-mailed asking for more details.

Court documents say she offered Pounds 2,500 for the killing and had the name and work address of the California woman she wanted dead, as well as describing successful candidates as "silent assassins".

"I've seen some screwy things, but I've personally never heard of anything like this," said FBI special agent Drew Parenti.

"For a person to advertise openly for a hit man on Craigslist."

Linscott's lover, who hasn't been identified, has admitted meeting her through the Internet on an online college course two years ago.

Their romance blossomed and they met up for a dirty weekend at a hotel in Nevada in 2005.

They'd met up once more but then continued their relationship by phone and e-mail. It's claimed Linscott - using the alias 'Marie' - posted the astonishing ad in November.  She was arrested on Thursday at her home in Michigan.

The alleged murder-for-hire scheme appears to be the first of its kind. "Out of 550 million classified ads posted over 12 years, this is the first such incident that we're aware of," Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster said.

"But the ad itself was generic and we're not a party to subsequent private e-mail communications."

But it's not the first alleged crime has been solicited over the popular online bulletin board.

Other ads have been posted by prostitutes, while a Minnesota woman was killed last year after responding to an ad for a baby sitter.

By Owen Williams, Jan 27 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy

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