Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jennifer Hudson loves her breasts

Jennifer HudsonFormer American Idol finalist Jennifer Hudson says she loves her breast.

The Oscar winner, famed for her voluptuous figure, says she is proud of her curves but especially her buxom boobs.

She said: "Curves are good. I have the height of a model, the breasts that people pay for and lips that everybody wants, so why should I change?"

The 26-year-old 'Dreamgirls' star - had to gain 20 ponds to play singer Effie White in the 2006 film - for which she won her Best Supporting Actress Academy Award.

However, Hudson quickly began to lose the weight  after she started eating healthily and exercising.

Although the singer-and-actress says she tries her best to be health conscious, she still occasionally indulges in her favorite fattening treat - cookies.

She added: "I don't want to be too thin, it's OK not to work out once in a while if you want to maintain a certain weight. But I try to eat as best I can. I generally have a light breakfast, a salad at lunch and chicken and vegetables for dinner. But one thing I can't resist is chocolate-chip cookies - they always win!"

By Owen Williams, Jan 20 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy

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