Sunday, January 27, 2008

Amy Winehouse ‘has three months to live’, says husband Blake

Amy WinehouseAmy Winehouse's incarcerated husband Blake Fielder-Civil has warned the troubled singer: "Quit smoking crack or you'll be dead in three months."

Speaking from his jail cell in London's Pentonville prison, Fielder-Civil revealed his worst nightmare is hearing Amy has been killed by her habit.

He said: "Every day I fear the prison chaplain is going to walk into my cell and break the news that Amy is dead."

Blake also confessed that the 24-year-old 'Rehab' star became "like the Living Dead" while blowing £500 ($1000) a day on cocaine and heroin, and that she is so out of it on drugs she falls asleep during visits to him and has even turned up high to his court appearances.

He also revealed that he hates reading in papers about Amy partying with other men while he is in jail.

Blake also insists that he has now given up drugs for good and challenged Amy to do the same so they can "grow old together."

Amy - famous for the lyrics "they tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no," checked into rehab on Thursday night - just days after a shocking video showing her smoking crack cocaine at her seedy East London flat, while already high on cocaine, ecstasy and valium was posted online.

Blake, talking through his mum Georgette, said: "I'm so relieved she has finally taken my advice after I begged her to go into rehab.

"I even threatened her with divorce because I thought it would be the only thing to make her see sense.

"My parents have both pleaded with me to divorce Amy and I told her so before she finally agreed to go in for treatment.

"They think she's the Black Widow who will be the death of me if I don't end our marriage. But I'd prefer to have a short life with Amy than a long life without her."

It was during emotional visits to prison that anxious Georgette, 45, and husband Giles, 44, pleaded with their son to divorce his troubled wife.

But in a moving letter to his parents, Blake rejected their pleas and told them: "Please give Amy a chance."

Blake wrote from his prison cell: "I made a choice with Amy and I am sticking to it.

"You have to understand that she loves me—she always tells me, Dad—and I am so in love with her.

"It's hard enough for me to think and feel that my wife isn't there for me. She is making the first steps to get better and I need your support so I can support her in turn."

In a phone call to his mum, Blake admitted: "I'm disappointed that Amy has been taking crack and I'm pleased she got caught because at last she is going to get the help she deserves.

"I want Amy to grab this opportunity in rehab so we can have a marriage and future together. Because the way she's going I really fear I will come out of prison to no wife.

"I dread my cell door being opened and the chaplain informing me, ‘Amy's dead.'

"I have that nightmare three or four times a week.

"If I was on the outside I know I could save her, but locked in here I can't do anything."

Blake admits that he understands why his parents say being with Amy could kill him. "I understand their concerns. Drugs made me like a zombie," he said.

"I was also selfish, self-centred and cruel-tongued.

"Amy also became a zombie. She was docile, sleeping all the time, because of the drugs. We were like the Living Dead.

"But I have experienced a long period of being drug-free in prison and I want to win back the loving, happy woman I married before our lives were destroyed by drugs.

"We started on recreational drugs like marijuana and thought we were both in control.

"But after we married our drug-taking increased and accelerated with harder drugs.

"We took cocaine, heroin and smoked crack together. Crack made me paranoid. I felt unloved and felt everybody was out to get me.

"We then got into self-harm to relieve the pain. It's a childish thing we did. One would say, ‘I'm hurt' and the other would reply, ‘No you're not. I'm hurt more.'

"It was a ridiculous situation and I haven't self-harmed at all since I've been in prison."

Blake then went on to accuse Amy's parents of being partly responsible for her predicament, and revealed his hatred towards her dad, Mitch.

He said: "They have laid all the blame at me and I know they could have done more to force her into rehab a long time ago.

"I hate Amy's father, Mitch. My mother calls him The Fat Controller.

"He is on Amy's payroll. They are all on Amy's payroll. What man takes money off his daughter? Mitch ought to be ashamed.

"He should get off his a*se, get his little black cab out of his drive and earn a living or do something and save his daughter.

"Now I hope her family this time will ensure she stays in rehab until she has beaten her addiction and can face the world again."

Blake then went on to reveal that being in prison had forced him to kick drugs.

He said: "The first day was hard when I was arrested. I got hot sweats, my heart was racing and I got very jittery. But after that it got easier. I have never been suicidal in prison.

"I have used the time inside to get clean. I slipped up once in jail, failed a drug test and ended up in solitary confinement.

"I feel ashamed by that but I've vowed it will never happen again."

He admitted his addiction had been as bad as Amy's, saying: "Had I not gone to prison I could have been dead by now and so could Amy because we were taking so many drugs together.

"We were spending £500 a day on drugs and were taking cocaine, heroin-and yes, crack-together.

"It's a lot of money. A lot of waste. We were killing ourselves and Amy has definitely got worse since I've been inside.

"Prison has saved me. But if Amy goes back on crack again I will be lucky if my wife's alive in three months."

Blake told how pictures in papers of his waif thin wife 'tear him apart.'

He added to Britain's News of The World Newspaper: "In my eyes Amy is beautiful. But she looks disheveled and I must admit I wasn't keen on her dyed blonde hair at all.

"She is thin, she is bulimic and she looks ill. Bulimia is deadly in itself and I've tried without success to make her eat properly.

"But with crack on top it spells disaster."

He also complained about Amy's lack of support due to her drug-taking, saying: "I'm only allowed two prison visits a week and I've got to share them between Amy and my parents.

"When Amy does visit me she is sometimes high on drugs and falls asleep during our precious two hours together.

"She has also failed to turn up four times on precious visits. It's devastating.

"I also went a long time with hardly any letters. Then six arrived all in one go. Somebody probably put a stamp on them and posted them for her. She probably forgot because of the drugs.

"I now read her letters over and over again."

Blake admitted he was hurt when he discovered Amy had spent the night in a hotel room with Mark Ronson, saying: "I saw the pictures of her with Ronson in the back of a taxi and asked why she tried to kiss him.

"I told her, ‘How do you think that makes me look that my wife is seen in the back of a taxi trying to hug another bloke?'

"Amy replied, ‘Sorry, but you must trust me completely.'"

By Owen Williams, Jan 27 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy

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