Sunday, February 10, 2008

Madonna angers members at a New York gym

MadonnaMadonna has reportedly angered members at a New York gym by taking over the facility when she wants to exercise.

The singer is said to turn up at the posh Reebok Sports Club and demand that she gets equipment to herself. And she asks that certain areas are blacked-out so she can work out in private, it was claimed.

A US newspaper reported: "Members were furious after staff closed off a row of six treadmills in anticipation of her arrival.

"Those working out in group exercise rooms are even forced to sweat in blackened-out rooms [making] two floors of the gym look like a prison with shuttered gates so nobody can catch a glimpse of Her Madgesty."

Madonna, 49, owns an apartment close to the gym on the city's Upper West Side.

A spokesman for the Material Girl star was unavailable for comment.

By Owen Williams, Feb 10 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy

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