Sunday, February 10, 2008

Heather Mills cheated on Paul McCartney for six months

Heather MillsHeather Mills cheated on Paul McCartney for six months with a secret lover, according to a shocking new report from the UK.

Heather, dubbed Mucca by British tabloids due to her porn past, enjoyed lust-fueled nights with dishy film editor Tim Steel - the night before joining Paul, 65, on a romantic Caribbean Valentine's holiday.

Heather even showed her lover Sir Paul's intimate texts messages-before leaping into bed with Tim for marathon sex sessions.

"I didn't mind—I suppose I was flattered that Heather still wanted to have sex with me despite being pursued by this musical demi-god," says Tim, breaking his silence on his affair with the one-legged ex-hooker.

"Heather was insatiable between the sheets and she liked to call me her four-times-a-night guy. Our record was six.

"Most of the time it was multiple orgasms. Heather has a very unusual erogenous zone—her stump. I used to massage one particular sensitive area of it and give her an orgasm!

"But it was strange lying in bed talking about Paul McCartney. I would be with her when he called or texted her. She'd even show me the texts!"

Heather, 40, even confided to Tim, from Leeds in the North of England, as she decided whether or not to commit to Paul.

"Marriage to him opened lots of doors for her—and that's the only reason she did it," adds Tim, 45. "She falls in and out of love with men on a whim and she messes with your brain.

"When she bedded me for the first time it was in her fiance's flat! She was that kind of girl."

Tim had been seeing Heather - then a model-turned-animal rights activist, on and off for three years when Sir Paul fell for her at a bravery awards ceremony in May 1999. Paul - then reeling from the death of his wife Linda in 1998, started dating her in August.

"I'd been working abroad for a few months and was surprised when she told me she was dating Paul McCartney when I got back in September," says Tim.

"When we met up it turned out to be the same vegetarian restaurant down in Hove where he had been taking her on dates.

"Paul even sent Heather a lovey-dovey text as we ate. She showed me it and casually quipped, ‘I'm being pursued by a Beatle'.

Adds Tim: "We both had a good laugh about it and then we went back to the house she shared with her sister Fiona and had sex—and as usual it was mind-blowing.

"My friends would ask me what it was like with a woman with one leg and I'd tell them, ‘No different to making love to a girl with two legs'.

"I'm a fit guy but she had tremendous stamina. We'd be at it like rabbits. She was up for it anywhere too. Once she gave me a bl** j** under the desk while I was working in my editing suite. And on a holiday in South Africa we stripped and made love in the shelter of a sand dune—even though tourists were watching."

The pair were jumping into bed behind Sir Paul's back right up to the Valentine's holiday the smitten former Beatle planned for them in 2000 on the private island of Parrot Cay.

Paul was already out there in an $16,000-a-week beachside cottage when Mills headed to Tim's London flat for a night of lust before flying out to join him.

Tim adds to Britain's News of The World newspaper: "I was glad she wanted to stay with me," says Tim. "She was in two minds about him and was wondering if she was doing the right thing.

"She seemed nervous about this first holiday with him.

"Then we made love and, as always, the sex was very good. In the morning she kissed me goodbye.

"She went straight from my warm bed to the airport."

Adds Tim: "I guess I hung around because I really didn't think Heather and Paul would last. He was an old bloke and I knew what Heather was like. She was only in love with what Paul could do for her. She loved the idea of being Lady McCartney."

Tim first met Heather on a blind date set up by a mutual friend in August 1996. "It was love at first sight. "I was bowled over," he says.

"We lay on the bed and kissed and fondled. She wanted to have sex but I didn't think I'd be able to manage it because I was so nervous." The next day divorced Tim met up with Heather to walk her Wheaten terrier, Oliver in Hyde Park. He recalls: "She looked stunning. She was wearing those sexy lace-up boots she wore on the cover of her book Out On A Limb."

They made love for the first time a few weeks later—in Marcus Stapleton's flat. "Heather instigated it with a nice bit of oral sex then we went all the way," says Tim.

"There was never any awkwardness about her leg. She would take it off the same way she would a pair of slippers."

By Owen Williams, Feb 10 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy

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