Monday, February 18, 2008

Lindsay Lohan pays homage to Marilyn Monroe

Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan has paid homage to Marilyn Monroe by recreating the late star's final nude photo-shoot.

Lohan stripped off but donned a blonde Marilyn wig for the sexy shoot for New York magazine.

The actress and pop star appears naked on the front of the magazine, covered up only by a see through pink scarf.

The shoot was done by famed photographer Bert Stern, who also shot Monroe's 'The Last Sitting' in 1962.

Monroe was found dead from an apparent drugs overdose just six weeks after the famous shoot. Now 46-years later Stern and Lohan have recreated the shots of Monroe.

Lohan said she was 'comfortable' with the nude shoot, but admitted she had done 250 sit ups the night before to prepare.

The Bad Girls star tells the magazine that she is a huge Monroe fan, and has even bought an apartment where she once lived.

"If you saw my house, I have a lot of Marilyn stuff," she told the magazine.

"It's eerie because it's this picture of her, and it's kind of cartoony, and there's a big bottle of pills next to her, and they've fallen over.

"Here is a woman who is giving herself to the public. She's saying, 'Look, you've taken a lot from me, so why don't I give it to you myself.' She's taking control back."

Lohan also told the magazine that Heath Ledger's recent fatal drug overdose was 'tragic' adding: "They (Ledger and Monroe) are both prime examples of what this industry can do to someone."

By Graeme Massie, Feb 18 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy

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