The star thought Rocky V was so bad he couldn't end the series like that - so he decided to do Rocky Balboa. And the comeback meant he could finish the story of the boxer on a high note.
He said: "It was bad. It was a goose egg, I was definitely not there. That's why I wanted to do the last one. It was so bad, it was so off key, that was the impetus to do the last one."
He insisted that it was the end of the road for Rocky saying: "What am I going to fight, arthritis?"
Stallone ranked the other Rocky movies well, giving the first one a 10, the third a nine and Rocky II and IV a 7.5. He also revealed how living in a women-dominated household was doing nothing for his macho image.
He said: "Everything in my house is female, the housekeeper's female, the dogs are female, my daughters are female, my wife so I don't stand a chance. Pretty soon I'm going to end up wearing a dress."
Stallone also spoke about his fear of his three young daughters getting old enough to have boyfriends.
He said: "It's going to be horrifying. Their only chance that they're ever going to date is if I slip on a bar of soap and break my neck, fall down a flight of steps and I'm in a body cast for years."
The Rambo star also revealed how he is still good friends with fellow 80s action man Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He said: "I see Arnold every weekend. Arnold's a genius. He's had three incredible careers. He may not be able to sit there and split atoms but he knows how to get things done. He knows how to move people."
The 61-year-old revealed how tough it is to stay in good shape as he gets older.
Speaking on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, he said: "I hate it, believe me I do. It's not like I can't wait to get in there and get a hernia.
"The last Rambo was brutal, that was a tough one."
By Natasha Kleanthous, Feb 18 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy
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