Heather, representing herself in the proceedings, arrived at the London court sporting an unusual gray skirt suit.
The 40-year-old former porn star has agreed to destroy the evidence she has accumulated about Sir Paul's wealth - estimated to be around $1.6bn - and has also pledged to get rid of all video and audio evidence on their four-year marriage.
Mills, dubbed Mucca by British tabloids due to her questionable past, has claimed to have a tape of Sir Paul, 65, confessing to hitting his late wife Linda.
Sir Paul is determined his estranged wife should be banned from talking about any aspect of their marriage but she isn't likely to accept gagging order.
A source told the press: "Heather doesn't want to be banned from talking about her marriage and Paul doesn't want damaging details leaking out.
"This is the compromise they have been looking for. Both sides have yet to put pen to paper but it's looking hopeful."
Mr Justice Bennett could announce the pay-out details today.
By Owen Williams, Feb 18 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy
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