Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills gagging order imposed by judge

Heather Mills and Paul McCartneyPaul McCartney was smiling from cheek-to-cheek today - after a High Court judge imposed a a gagging order on himself and Heather Mills to prevent leaks of their divorce hearing.

Mr Justice Bennett warned the couple and their advisers they faced contempt of court proceedings and huge fines if confidential details of their turbulent divorce are made public.

The order was issued at the start of a High Court hearing to decide how much compensation Heather receives after four years of marriage to the former Beatle.

One source said today: "The judge made it clear at the start of proceedings that the hearing was being held in private and that all evidence should remain strictly confidential. All the parties in court were warned about the possible consequences of leaking information.

"Anyone caught revealing confidential details of the court hearing, set to last five days, is likely to be found in contempt of court and fined."

The judge issued the warning in the wake of intense media interest in the case, dubbed the divorce of the century.

The embattled couple finally reached the High Court after a 20-month legal battle, much of which has been played out in public - including the leaking of hugely damaging claims by Ms Mills that her husband was abusive.

The hearing - poised to last around five-days, resumes today.

By Owen Williams, Feb 12 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy

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